E’ uscito il numero 4/2015 de L’Italia Forestale e Montana


E’ uscito il n. 4/2015 de L’Italia Forestale e Montana

La rivista è consultabile gratuitamente on-line all’indirizzo 


 Workshop “Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes.  The INTEGRAL project: main research findings in Italy”.  Special Section on   Integrated forest management in Mediterranean landscapes:

M. Marchetti –  Introduction “Promoting integrated management in Mediterranean forest landscapes. Italy as a case study”
M. Vizzarri et al. –  Adaptive forest governance to face land use change impacts in Italy: a review
A. Perone et al. –  Carbon stock in wood products: implications for carbon accounting at national and local scale in Italy
L. Sallustio et al. –  Recent trends in forest cover changes: only positive implications?
D. Tonti et al. –  Forest ecosystems functionality evaluation by multiscale and multitemporal analysis of ecological network
Attualità e Cultura
O. Ciancio –  I forestali oggi e domani. Hofmann A.A., 2015 – I forestali oggi non capiscono. Racconti. Lombardi ed.

Necrologi Prof. Elio Corona e Prof. Salvatore Puglisi 

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